Organisations representing tenants, landlords and letting agents urge the government to provide financial help to private renters in ‘COVID rent arrears’ to avoid a surge in homelessness.
Parents living in privately rented homes in England are almost twice as likely to be worried about homelessness than parents living in secure social homes.
The right to buy policy was cited as a severe disincentive to building, as new homes might have to be sold after only three years, possibly at less than the cost of building.
Government proposals include provision for landlords to evict tenants if they have one month of rent arrears at the time of a possession hearing in court.
Weak regulation of private renting is leaving hundreds of thousands of tenants living in hazardous homes in England, research by Citizens Advice has revealed.
NHS Property Services lacks the powers it needs to make its tenants sign lease agreements and pay their rent, which has contributed to increasing levels of outstanding debt, says the National Audit Office.
Frank Field says the ongoing administrative failures of Universal Credit are biting into incomes already cut, frozen, sanctioned and capped to below basic living costs.