The global economy stands at a crossroads between austerity or policies compatible with fighting inequality, pursuing climate justice, and realising human rights, say 504 organisations.
Research by the Jubilee Debt Campaign indicates a major breach by the IMF of its own policies, with $93 billion of lending to highly indebted countries without any debt restructurings.
The OECD’s highly anticipated proposal for reform of international tax rules will likely further intensify global inequalities and fail to curb rampant tax abuse, new analysis from the Tax Justice Netowrk reveals.
It is essential to keep in mind that austerity impacts different social groups in very different ways, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised, says Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky.
The scandal in Austria surrounding former Vice Chancellor Heinz Christian Strache highlights the ease with which the abuse of power and manipulation of political landscapes can happen, even in countries considered to have low levels of corruption, says Transparency International.
Emergency grants should be available to impoverished countries in response to disasters like Idai, especially those linked to the climate breakdown primarily caused by richer countries in the global North, says Jubilee Debt Campaign.