If successful in their case, the Uber drivers could be entitled to an average of £12,000 each in compensation, according to law firm Leigh Day.
The union says government arrangements risk driving millions of workers into deeper poverty and pose a major threat to public health.
With an expected valuation of $100 billion, Uber's founder and management will become fabulously wealthy overnight.
Minicab drivers say congestion charge cuts their take home pay while doing little to address environmental concerns.
The Employment Appeal Tribunal has rejected the company’s argument that their drivers are self-employed contractors running their own businesses.
Employment tribunal ruled that Uber drivers are entitled to at least the National Minimum Wage and paid holiday.
Under new proposals each community transport driver would need a license which costs over £1,000.
The Safe Car Wash App will enable drivers to help gather information on modern slavery in hand car washes.
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The College of Policing has provided training for at least 12 countries that are listed as 'human rights priority countries' by the Foreign and...
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