A new report has exposed the historical and systemic failures of asylum decision-making in the UK and makes the case for root-and-branch reform of the asylum and immigration system.
The prospect of another week of wannabe Conservative leaders setting out their wares for the electors of the parliamentary party, the party in the country and the wi
The Electoral Reform Society has set out proposals to rebuild Britain’s democratic system from scratch, in a major new report 10 years since the expenses scandal rocked faith in politics.
The Howard League for Penal Reform has called on the government to bring forward its plans for sentencing reform, as figures reveal that self-injury and assaults in prison rose to new record levels last year.
South Korea's Constitutional Court has ordered the government to decriminalise abortion in the country and reform its highly restrictive abortion laws by the end of 2020.
Malaysia’s decision to withdraw from the International Criminal Court (ICC) barely a month after joining makes a mockery of the government’s commitment to justice, Human Rights Watch says.