Conscience, the peace building NGO, is supporting the Global Day of Action on Military Spending this year by raising awareness of the £1.7 trillion spent by governments on war.
March 2nd 2016 marked 100 years since the first inclusive right of conscientious objection became law in the United Kingdom. To commemorate the centenary, the NGO Conscience: Taxes for Peace not War hosted a discussion evening featuring MPs from three different parties and Sir Richard Jolly, a former United Nations Assistant Secretary General.
Tomorrow (2 March) marks the centenary of the passing of the Military Service Act which brought compulsory military service into British law and with it, for the first time, the right to conscientious objection.
Quaker activist Sam Sender of Ealing Quaker Meeting said he had been following his conscience when he protested against the expansion of Heathrow Airport.
If an outcome pleases, do you ask questions as to how it was achieved? Politicians depend upon us not doing so and there is therefore a responsibility to interrogate our own reactions.
The National Union of Journalists has called on the government and industry to agree a conscience clause for journalists in the final version of the Royal Charter.