Faith-based organisations presented a significant input at a United Nations civil society hearing in New York City, on 6 April 2016, a prelude to a UN High Level Meeting on HIV in New York on 8-10 June.
Sexual and reproductive health services must be not just "youth-friendly" but also “male- and female-friendly" and "youth participatory" so that young men and women gain access to the information and services they need and want, agreed adolescents who attended a workshop in Lomé, Togo..
A fast-track approach against AIDS over the next five years will avert 21 million deaths and allow the ending of the epidemic by 2030, says the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS
Despite significant gains, the HIV/AIDS epidemic is far from over, UN officials said yesterday (6 June), calling for greater political commitment, investment and innovation.
A significant acceleration in the AIDS response is producing positive results for people, the World AIDS Day report shows. But the challenge remains huge.
The head of UNAIDS says the recent statement by the Pope on condoms helps cooperation with with faith-based organizations in action against HIV and AIDS
More than 70 percent of the world's population define themselves as people of faith, and faith-based organizations are involved in more than a quarter of care and treatment projects world-wide on HIV and AIDS, according to the head of a Geneva church-based advocacy group ‚Ä' writes Peter Kenny for Ecumenical News International (ENI).
Church leaders in India, aware that Christian institutions are responsible for running many of the country's medical facilities, are deeply concerned that the world's second-most populous nation now has the most people with HIV and AIDS - writes Anto Akkara for Ecumenical News International.