This morning many of us are feeling sick with disappointment and fear. Fear of what the coming months and years will bring. We may also be feeling a fair amount of disbelief – I know I am.
Last month, as England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland got into gear for a general election after many months of wrangling and toxicity over Brexit, Ekklesia launched its
Here at Ekklesia we have been thinking about what things ‘ordinary people’ – that’s all of us, one way or another – can do to nurture hope and resist the tide of negativity in these islands and bey
In a world marked by increasing division, hostility, dangerous right-wing populism and white supremacism, it is necessary for those committed to justice, peace and sustainability for people and pla
Ekklesia’s own roots are in progressive Christian radicalism – the work of the peace churches (notably Mennonites and Quakers), nonconformism and the dissenting and communitarian strands of mainstr