The first UN-led talks in six years over the disputed Western Sahara-region concluded on a positive note in Geneva, where the organisation's representative Horst Köhler said that further discussions are planned.
Announcing that he will convene the eighth round of intra-Syrian talks on 28 November in Geneva, the UN Special Envoy for Syria has urged all stakeholders to seize the opportunity to find a solution to the crisis plaguing the war-torn country.
Just two days after declaring the official start of delayed intra-Syriantalks in Geneva to end five years of bloody warfare, the UN mediator has suspended them for three weeks following differences between Government and opposition delegations on the priority of humanitarian issues.
The United Nations Special Envoy for Syria has set 25 January 2016 as the target date to begin talks between the parties aimed at ending the five-year-old conflict, his spokesperson has announced .
SEX AND SENSIBILITY: SALLY HITCHINER AND PETER TATCHELL IN CONVERSATION 13 October, 6.30pm, Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235, Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8EP Tickets £6.
The Zimbabwe Christian Alliance, a network of church and civic bodies, says it has no hope that inter-party peace talks brokered by South Africa's Thabo Mbeki will achieve results before Zimbabwean elections scheduled for 29 March.
A delegation of US religious leaders has returned from a week-long trip to Iran with a proposal for direct, government-to-government negotiations between the United States and Iran.