matches registered churches with people in need, enabling them to help with food shopping, providing food to the hungry and trips to the pharmacy and any other needs the person has.
'Panic Saturday' is behind us. But the panic does not seem to have diminished greatly. The compulsion to buy and the strain of doing so is on almost every tongue. Like many Quakers, I don't give presents. This makes Christmas both easier and more demanding.
At first sight, it is seemed reasonable to assume that Eric Pickles had hitched his wagon to the to the 'Not Ashamed' campaign train which launches today (1 December 2010) with his claims about the “ambush of Christmas” by “politically correct Grinches” and an exhortation to local councils to “take pride in Britain's Christian heritage.”
Eight out of 10 shoppers want a watchdog appointed to monitor and penalise supermarkets which treat suppliers unfairly, according to a poll commissioned by Traidcraft, the Christian-based fair trade organisation.