The international Anglican Communion has expressed widespread concern about the upcoming 'National Service of Thanksgiving' for nuclear weapons, which is being held at Westminster Abbey on Friday 3 May 2019.
At the second Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON), which met in Nairobi from 21-26 October 2013, senior clergy from certain provinces firmly condemned fellow Anglicans with views different from their own.
Thousands of worshippers have celebrated the return of St Mary & All Saints Cathedral and other properties to the Church of the Province of Central Africa.
Regarding people as good or bad simply on the basis of religion or ideology is risky, says Savi Hensman. Similarly, those who call themselves conservatives are often advocating radical change.
In a historic and controversial move, the Episcopal Church in the USA, part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, has voted to remove the bar on priests in monogamous same-sex relationships from becoming bishops.
In a campaign comment ahead of today's election in Zimbabwe, President Robert Mugabe has condemned Archbishop Rowan Williams as lacking a "moral compass" and said that gays in the church are a sign of "moral degeneracy".
In today’s world of rapid change and widespread insecurity, many people look to the Bible to provide them with certainty, says Savi Hensman. But this is a misleading and dangerous way to approach the text - and life.