A free phone line offering hymns, prayers, and reflections after church buildings closed because of the coronavirus is to continue, with calls topping more than two million minutes.
Last month, as England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland got into gear for a general election after many months of wrangling and toxicity over Brexit, Ekklesia launched its
Here at Ekklesia we have been thinking about what things ‘ordinary people’ – that’s all of us, one way or another – can do to nurture hope and resist the tide of negativity in these islands and bey
Dr Jürgen Moltmann reflected on the theme of 'the spirit of truth' in a post-truth era at the opening of his public lecture at the headquarters of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva.
Ekklesia’s own roots are in progressive Christian radicalism – the work of the peace churches (notably Mennonites and Quakers), nonconformism and the dissenting and communitarian strands of mainstr
Prisons need to promote personal growth as an end in itself, not just a means to reduced reoffending, according to a new report published by the Prison Reform Trust.