Women political activists in rural Zimbabwe have told Amnesty International they have been threatened with violence and forced to flee with their children.
Southern African church leaders have yet to endorse the new power-sharing government in Zimbabwe where citizens are hoping for a revival of the country's economy, just law and good governance.
Catholic bishops marked yesterday as a special 'Zimbabwe Sunday' to encourage prayer and solidarity for the beleaguered people of the Southern African nation, as its new unity government emerges.
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu has accused South Africa of losing the moral high ground of its anti-apartheid years by failing to stand up to Zimbabwe's dictatorial president Robert Mugabe.
The Anglican bishop of Harare has warned leaders of Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change to be wary of President Robert Mugabe intentions following the signing of an agreement to open power-sharing talks between the two main parties.
Latest reports say the capital of Zimbabwe, Harare, is tense but quiet. According to Christian Aid partner the Zimbabwe Christian Alliance (ZCA) most humanitarian agencies are taking a wait and see attitude.
Robert Mugabe waved a Bible and made an oath of allegiance before God to Zimbabwe as he was sworn in as president following an election widely dismissed as meaningless. But anti-apartheid hero Archbishop Tutu says he must go.