
jim wallis

  • January 23, 2015

    We have suddenly become a world that talks about inequality. That's certainly better than not talking about it. But waxing lyrical about a concern and doing something about it are not the same thing, says Simon Barrow, pointing to the deeper issues calling for action.

  • December 20, 2013

    Pope Francis, whose comments and actions have produced apoplexy among the US religious right, "reminds me of Jesus", says a leading evangelical.

  • August 30, 2013

    New York Times bestselling author and commentator on faith and politics Jim Wallis is currently visiting Britain and Ireland for a range of speaking events following the launch of his book, On God's Side (Lion Hudson) - which discusses what religion forgets and politics hasn't learned about 'serving the common good'.

  • November 15, 2012

    The US Presidential election was a disaster for the religious right, which had again tied its faith to the partisan political agenda of the Republican Party, says Jim Wallis, CEO of the progressive evangelical Sojourners magazine and movement. Research into shifting populations and voting patterns shows why the religious right’s leaders will no longer be able to control or easily co-opt the meaning of the term “evangelical,” he argues. There is a new, diverse coalition for a new America emerging, and a changing evangelical demographic is a central part of that.

  • November 2, 2012

    Most people in America, whether they are religious or not, prefer consistency in the faith community to hypocrisy, says Jim Wallis. One of the reasons the fastest growing demographic in religious affiliation surveys is now “none of the above” is that too many people see more religious hypocrisy than consistency. In this reflection, the CEO of of Sojourners in the USA argues that evangelicals, in particular, are apt to get their values in a muddle in the political arena, not least by ignoring or sidelining the huge biblical emphasis on concern for the poor and vulnerable as a criterion for looking at the impact of human endeavour.

  • April 8, 2011

    The hunger fast for a moral US budget has gone spiritually viral, says Jim Wallis. It has brought together Christian, secular, community and service organisations around a clear message: there are clear economic choices to be made, and the moral ones recognise the priority of the poorest and most vulnerable.

  • April 6, 2011

    Thousands of Christians across the USA are fasting in solidarity and protest against a budget process which is punishing the poorest.

  • July 20, 2010

    A high-profile conservative media pundit is being challenged to debate social justice issues properly, instead of launching hit-and-run verbal assaults.

  • February 2, 2010

    In the past, US social and political commentators overlooked revivalism as a source of radical critique of society, says Martin Marty. Now we need to notice that it is the radical evangelicalism of Jim Wallis and Sojourners which is offering a moral and values-based challenge to 'capitalist economics as usual'.

  • January 15, 2010

    Sojourners CEO Jim Wallis has just tweeted some excellent advice to Wall Street bankers wondering how to put their massive bonuses and their consciences together while they watch the news.