New research reveals the devastating impacts that welfare reforms are having on the lives of people who are disabled or severely unwell.
Since the closure of the Independent Living Fund, some disabled people have been moved into residential care.
Report finds most claimants living with a terminal illness will be required to meet a work coach to discuss future employment plans.
A training package which gives a basic understanding of Universal Credit will enable people to support claimants.
Debt charity says better safety nets are needed to prevent vulnerable people from suffering disproportionate difficulty.
Lack of suitable housing is having a negative impact on the mental and physical health of disabled people.
The High Court has ruled that the Government unlawfully discriminated against two severely disabled men who saw their benefits dramatically reduced when they moved on to Universal Credit.
Age UK says ‘care deserts’ are now apparent in some localities.
Disabled workers earn £2,730 a year less on average than non-disabled workers.
A report reveals the gap between the reality of disabled people’s lives and the public’s understanding.
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