The US State Department has published two notices that would require almost all visa applicants to submit social media information for review in order to travel or migrate to the United States.
A clause in the Government’s new data protection law would create a two-tier, racially discriminatory data protection regime and undermine millions of people’s privacy rights, campaigners have warned.
The American Civil Liberties Union will be in court today for an emergency hearing on behalf of a young woman in Texas who is currently being prevented from accessing abortion care because the Trump administration has adopted a new policy directly preventing unaccompanied immigrant minors from obtaining abortions.
In the worldwide Catholic Church, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees is celebrated in January each year, having been instituted in 1914 by Pope Pius X. In 2015 it falls on 18 January, which is also the Church's World Peace Day (and for many the first Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity).
Sitting Rochester and Strood MP Mark Reckless held on to his seat in a by-election after defecting to the UK Independence Party, though with a much-reduced majority.
Politicians and newspaper editors have convinced many people in Britain that it is a ‘soft touch’ for foreigners who want to settle here illegally or live off benefits. In reality, a harsh immigration system hurts families and damages society.
As Ekklesia's 2007 report "When the Saints Go Marching Out', reissued in 2010 ( pointed out, and as others have subsequently affirmed, St George is not primarily "an English Saint", as popular assumption has it, but a Middle Eastern one with international, multicultural associations and a founding story about resistance to the persecutory impulse of Empire.