The United Nations' Rome-based agencies dedicated to food and agriculture have called for bolder action to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls in the agricultural sector and beyond.
The UK government is refusing to take any legal responsibility for new short-term targets on sustainable fisheries and nature restoration, campaigners have warned.
The RSA has modelled four possible 'futures of work' in the 2020s, taking into account Brexit, the climate emergency, the ageing society, the pace of technological change, continued dominance of tech giants, the risk of another 2008 style crash, and global political turmoil
Christian Aid has launched its 2019 manifesto, demanding politicians take urgent action to tackle climate and economic injustice and to build peace; helping end poverty and create a fair and sustainable world.
Companies have created a facade of sustainability but are buying from palm oil concessions under public investigation for illegal fires, says Greenpeace.
A new ranking of global SO2 emission hotspots demonstrates the need for stronger emission standards for power plants and industry and a rapid transition away from fossil fuels.
An Exeter parish is one of a growing number of congregations that have made significant changes to reduce their environmental impact, and has received a LiveSimply award from the Catholic aid agency CAFOD.
The President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development will be in Mozambique for the Growing Blue Conference where he will speak to the need for greater investment in sustainable development for rural people whose livelihoods depend on aquatic resources including small-scale fisheries, aquaculture and coastal environments.