Leaders of the UK’s overseas territories gather in London today.The focus will be on disaster relief and improving resilience to climate change. As many of these economies are reliant on financial secrecy and low tax, the time has come to discuss how overseas territories might transition away from this status quo, says Christian Aid.
The fifth round of secret negotiations on a new North American Free Trade Agreement has begun in Mexico. Farm policy will be a central topic of discussion among negotiators from Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
The International Fund for Agricultural Development and the Government of Pakistan have signed an agreement to improve livelihoods, living conditions and income-generating capacity for 320,000 poor rural households in Pakistan. The programme will be implemented nationwide.
Highlighting the seriousness of the impact of climate change on the planet and its inhabitants, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres yesterday called for sustained action to meet the global challenge and to ensure a peaceful and sustainable future for all.
Carbon Smart has awarded Friends House, the central offices of Quakers in Britain, with a Gold Certification for reducing its carbon footprint by 29 per cent since 2009. Numerous green initiatives in Friends House led to this achievement, including using 100 per cent renewable energy and a zero waste to landfill policy.
The world's most popular household companies are selling food, cosmetics and other everyday staples containing palm oil tainted by appalling human rights abuses in Indonesia, with children as young as eight working in hazardous conditions, Amnesty International said in a new report published today (30 November 2016 ).
Key church investors have been invited to a conference that challenges the perceived barriers to scaling up investments in clean energy and other climate solutions.
World Quaker Day fell on Sunday 2 October this year (2016) and brought together the global Quaker community. It falls in the ninth British Quaker Week which rune from 1-9 Ictober. Quaker meetings around England, Scotland and Wales are opening their doors with a warm welcome, offering music and art, drama and discussion, worship and witness.