In order to reach as many children as possible, the book will be widely translated, with six language versions released now, and more than 30 others in the pipeline.
Pluto Press is tonight (21 March 2014) launching a new edition of Ben White's sharp and demanding analysis of Israeli-Palestinian politics, Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide.
Bernadette Meaden reviews the book that many radical Christians have been waiting for. It shows, she says, how spirituality can be a unifying, liberating force, and how looking at the world from a Jesus perspective can be joyful and life-enhancing.
Rachel Mann's passionate and thoughtful new book Dazzling Darkness: gender, sexuality and God, published by the Iona Community's Wild Goose imprint, is being launched at Manchester Cathedral, in the Nave, today (6 November 2012) at 7pm. The bookshop will be provided by St Denys' Manchester, and the launch price is £9.50. Ekklesia sends warmest wishes for the launch.