The former archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, joined Christian Climate Action in a March in London as part of the Extinction Rebellion September Uprising.
President Duterte has ordered police and military officials in the Philippines to shoot 'troublemakers' protesting during the country’s coronavirus quarantine.
Thirty years ago when the Berlin Wall fell, the Nicolaikirche in Leipzig had gained a reputation as a gathering point for events signalling the end of an era of communist rule in what was then East Germany.
Friends of the Earth has launched legal proceedings against fracking firm Cuadrilla to force it to substantially reduce a wide-ranging injunction which restricts protest against its operations at Preston New Road in Lancashire.
Saudi Arabia’s official press agency has announced a mass execution of 37 people. Most, if not all, were convicted in the Specialised Criminal Court (SCC), the Kingdom’s secretive and widely condemned anti-terrorism tribunal.