The Argentine authorities must respect and guarantee the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly during the G20 meetings in Buenos Aires later this week, says Amnesty International.
The American Civil Liberties Union and ACLU of Montana have released documents corroborating reports of collaboration between state and federal law enforcement officials ahead of the anticipated Keystone XL protests by environmental activists and indigenous communities over the construction of an oil pipeline
Take one stand-up comedian and mediator, an actor, activist and biblical scholar, a team of peace activists, and a handful of turbulent priests. Each one exploring the connection between spirituality and activism. Add to that, Quaker worship in stillness that settles, calms and opens hearts. This week, Quakers are offering this mix to thousands at Greenbelt Festival.
Activists will picket the Royal Windsor Horse Show in opposition to the attendance of the Bahraini regime. The Bahraini delegation is expected to be led by King Hamad, who is the figurehead of the dictatorship.