Emergency decrees issued by the King of Bahrain which include the banning of protests are a shameful attempt to ban dissent and freedom of expression, says Amnesty.
The UN Secretary- General has condemned the upsurge of violence in Egypt, calling for peaceful protest and respect for the right to free speech and assembly.
The Turkish authorities have been told to order police to stop using excessive force against peaceful protesters in Istanbul, and investigate other abuses.
Another 50 or more protests against the government's bedroom tax, which penalises poor people and families, will take place across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on Easter Saturday, 30th March 2013. The majority of them are listed below. Further links at: http://www.greenbenchesuk.com/
Thanks to Dr Éoin Clarke (BedroomTax@hotmail.com) and his website, The Green Benches (http://www.greenbenchesuk.com/), named after the colour of seats in the UK House of Commons, a list is available of the 57 peaceful protests against the government's Bedroom Tax - the majority of which take place on Saturday 16 March 2013. Details can be confirmed through the hyperlinks in brackets below.