Elections for police and crime commissioners in England and Wales have been denounced as 'shambolic'. The Home Secretary is being asked to act urgently.
West Midlands and Surrey police authorities have invited private companies to bid to carry out a range of policing activities, the Guardian reported. This may be extended to other parts of the country.
The authorities at St Paul's Cathedral have failed to respond to calls for clear answers about their role in the eviction of Occupy London Stock Exchange.
The police frequently have difficult decisions to take. They often need to take them quickly. Failure, error or indecision may lead to serious injury or even death. It is not an enviable position, neither is it surprising that from time to time, both individual officers and the command structure get it wrong.
In a move that may raise questions for those who believe, on secular and religious grounds, in a clear distinction between religion and the state, Christian ministers in Northern Ireland are accompanying police patrols in tough areas.