On Saturday, 12 August 2917 in Charlottesville, Virginia, one woman died and 19 others were injured when a man who, after rallying with white supremacist groups, rammed his car into a crowd. Earlier in the day, two law enforcement officers lost their lives when their helicopter crashed as they patrolled the gathering crowds.
In the streets of Woolwich, south-east London, a brutal murder took place yesterday (22 May). Pictures and eyewitness accounts suggest that a man was hacked to death in broad daylight and those responsible for this horrific crime were arrested shortly afterwards. While this was a tragedy for the victim, his family and friends and a shock to the local community, the reaction by some in government risks spreading unnecessary panic.
As some people in the USA and elsewhere took to the streets to celebrate the killing of Osama bin Laden, Episcopalians offered notes of caution and reflection.
Explaining to children the irrationality of adult behaviour is always challenging, says Sande Ramage. But in the case of the killing of Osama Bun Laden it is almost an impossibility.
James Bond may be fantasy, but according to an army expert our media replicate many of the psychological techniques used by the military to overcome our resistance to killing, says Giles Fraser. No wonder the murder rate is rising among the young.
A village priest has been killed by thieves after Christmas Eve services marked by the Russian Orthodox Church on 6 January 2007, in the second violent death of a cleric to shake the church in just over a month