The Government has never delivered on promises to hold a fully independent, judge-led inquiry into UK complicity in US torture and extraordinary rendition of individuals as part of the so-called ‘war on terror’.
Unaccompanied children arriving in France’s Alpine region undergo flawed age assessments that deny many access to needed protection, Human Rights Watch says in a new report.
The finding came in response to an individual complaint from a man who, as a domestic worker in Kathmandu from the age of nine, was subjected to physical and psychological abuse.
Bahraini human rights organisation says the executions only happened 'because of the unconditional support lent to dictator Hamad by Washington and London'.
The executions seem timed to coincide with legislative recesses in order to avoid international scrutiny, says the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy.
The Government today refused to hold a judge-led inquiry into UK involvement in rendition and torture, while presenting updated Whitehall guidance which campaigners says fails to expressly prohibit Ministers authorising action carrying a real risk of torture.