Reports that detainees in Uganda are being tortured and denied access to specialised medical care have been denounced by the World Medical Association.
Amnesty International has called on the Iranian authorities to immediately halt the planned execution of two Iranian ethnic minority Kurds who allege they were tortured into making bogus 'confessions'.
The Government is facing a legal challenge from the human right organisation Reprieve over its use of a secretive law that can be deployed to authorise the involvement of British intelligence officers in torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
A public consultation has been launched into changes to the UK’s torture policy or 'Consolidated Guidance', which tells UK personnel how far they can go in participating in the interrogation suspects held by a foreign country or receiving intelligence which could have been obtained through torture.
The complicity of state-affiliated doctors in Iran in facilitating the execution of young prisoners has been condemned by the World Medical Association.
The United Arab Emirates has been carrying out the enforced disappearance and torture of scores of people in southern Yemen, says Amnesty International.
The Government has announced that it is considering a judge-led inquiry into UK involvement in torture and rendition following the publication of two reports into the subject by the Intelligence and Security Committee last week.