

  • December 8, 2010

    Church and civil society organisations are pressing world governments to commit to their fair share of the £840 million Global HIV Fund for 2011-13.

  • December 2, 2010

    Desmond Tutu has called on world leaders to take action to accelerate a decline in new HIV infections through activism that promotes prevention measures.

  • December 1, 2010

    World AIDS Day, observed on 1 December each year, is an important opportunity for national AIDS programmes, faith organisations, community organisations, individuals and governments around the world to focus attention on the global AIDS epidemic and to emphasise the critical need for a committed, meaningful and sustained response at all levels.

  • November 26, 2010

    The head of UNAIDS says the recent statement by the Pope on condoms helps cooperation with with faith-based organizations in action against HIV and AIDS

  • September 9, 2010

    Former Church of Scotland general assembly moderators have praised the work of the Kirk’s HIV charity as it hits a £1 million fundraising milestone.

  • August 27, 2010

    Africa is facing climate change that will kill more people than traditional causes such as malaria and HIV, says a Ugandan environmental expert.

  • August 17, 2010

    Last week I heard in the news that breast cancer death rates are down nearly 30 per cent since 1980, and although I of course think good thoughts about figures like these and the new wonder drugs and breaks-through we have from time to time, my happiness is tinged with very personal sadness.

  • July 26, 2010

    The experience of African women theologians has been a crucial element in helping faith communities respond to the challenge of HIV and AIDS in Africa, says the coordinator of an ecumenical network on the pandemic on the continent. Stephen Brown writes on the challenge from the recent the International AIDS Conference.

  • July 20, 2010

    Faith leaders have been told they can play a key role in the fight against HIV if their public statements help combat stigma and discrimination.

  • July 20, 2010

    Doctors in a number of countries have been advising football fans who went to the World Cup in South Africa to check their HIV status.