An online initiaitive, One Boat Chaplaincy, has been launched to consider new perspectives and alliances which might be created between churches and their communities in a post COVID-19 world.
The economic recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic emphasises the need to invest heavily in a greener economy to create jobs and reduce inequalities, said Olivier De Schutter, the new UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights
It is hoped that by making this information widely available, healthcare systems around the world will be enabled to provide respiratory support for patients with Covid-19.
More than six billion people are regularly inhaling air so polluted that it puts their life, health and well-being at risk, a UN expert on human rights and the environment has said.
An international interfaith conference on HIV/AIDS held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, has called on religious leaders throughout the world to use their places of worship, and educational and health facilities to help in the fight against HIV and AIDS.