“Superglue protesters avoid jail” declared a headline on ITN this week. As one of the protesters in question, I’m pleased to report that we didn’t only avoid jail. We were acquitted.
There were scenes of jubilation this afternoon, as five Christian peace protesters were acquitted of 'aggravated trespass' at Stratford Magistrates Court.
While the trial at Stratford Magistrates' Court in east London of five Christian anti-arms fair protesters is tough on the defendants (including Ekklesia associate Symon Hill), it is already doing a good job of exposing the issues in a number of ways.
Today (3 February 2014) five Christian peace activists go on trial at Stratford Magistrates’ Court in East London. They are charged with aggravated trespass. One of the five is Symon Hill, a writer, researcher and activist who is also an Ekklesia associate, assisting us with several areas of work. He was formerly a directorial colleague for a period.
Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, says the trial of five Christian protesters in London should trigger public debate about the arms trade.
There are many things I have done in my life of which I am ashamed. I am guilty of failing to love my neighbour on numerous occasions. There are many sins for which I seek forgiveness from God and others.