Six national Christian organisations have said that nonviolent direct action to disrupt the London arms fair would be a moral response to a sinful trade.
One of the world's largest arms fairs will be held in London in September. Christians will join a day of prayer and protest on 8th September, recognising that silence in the face of evil is itself evil. However much or little time we have, and wherever we live, we can do something to speak out, says Ekklesia associate Symon Hill.
Christian communities will take part in a Day of Prayer on 8 September, two days before the opening of one of the world's largest arms fairs at London's ExCel Centre.
One year before the DSEi arms fair returns to London's docklands, campaigners from Stop the Arms Fair coalition promise to do everything possible to stop it happening.
Two of the leading candidates for Mayor of London have pledged to use their powers to prevent the London arms fair taking place again if they are elected.
Christian students have joined protests at the London arms fair this week, ranging from lobbying MPs to a nonviolent blockade of the arms fair entrance.