The Scottish National Party (SNP) have launched their manifesto, urging voters to reject the “cuts agenda” of the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties.
The Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has come under attack from the Green Party for promoting the Liberal Democrats as the environmental option in the election.
“Cleggmania” is the dominant theme in the Sunday papers. “Nick Clegg almost as popular as Churchill” declares the front page of the Sunday Telegraph. The Mail on Sunday proclaims "LibDems in front for the first time in 104 years". I would hardly have been surprised to find a headline asking “Is Nick Clegg the Messiah?”.
Party leaders have been criticised for avoiding the issue of Afghanistan during the election campaign, despite a poll showing that 77% of voters support the withdrawal of troops.
The Communist Party of Britain (CPB) has said that after a week and a half of election campaigning, “the people's needs continue to be ignored by the main parties”.
The Labour Party has been criticised by equality campaigners after launching an LGBT Manifesto that fails to commit the party to legal equality for same-sex marriages.
Nick Clegg has made unprecedented waves as a result of his appearance in the first ever UK election Leaders' TV Debate. Here Simon Barrow probes him on his beliefs, religion, Europe, his political creed and more.
The Tory Shadow Defence Secretary, Liam Fox, has today attacked Nick Clegg's criticism of the Trident nuclear weapons system, insisting that Trident renewal is necessary because the country faces “real threats”. He is right that Britain faces real threats – he just hasn't explained how Trident would be useful against any of them.
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament insisted today that “Trident has become a key election issue" after controversy over nuclear arms appeared in the first televised "leaders' debate".