The building of Cordova House and Mosque near Ground Zero in New York, where many lost their lives on 9/11, has become a subject of heated debate. Michael Kinnamon, who heads up the National Council of Churches USA, cuts through the controversy to make a directly Christian appeal for neighbourly love.
Illegal mahogany loggers are causing environmental destruction and plundering uncontacted Indians’ land in the depths of the Peruvian Amazon, according to a new report by the Upper Amazon Conservancy (UAC).
The United States has been criticised for denying visas to 10 per cent of the voting delegates due to attend a global meeting of Reformed churches taking place in the state of Michigan.
Muslim and Sikh groups have praised the US Transportation Security Administration for rolling back screening rules on passengers arriving from 14 primarily Islamic countries.
The World Council of Churches has urged its members in the United States to lobby President Barack Obama to abandon "Plan Colombia", a package of financial and military assistance to Colombia's repressive government.
America's religious leaders must do a better job of promoting sexual health, education and justice in congregations and communities, the Religious Institute asserts in a new report released on 10 February 2010.
The newly announced president of the US Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Linda Hartke, has said she will work to make the United States a more welcoming place for immigrants and refugees.
Church World Service’s refugee programme has hailed the US government’s recent announcement that it has doubled to US$1,800 the amount of the per capita grant to assist refugees resettling in the United States.
A judge in the United States has triggered anger by rejecting a case against mercenary soldiers employed in Iraq by the company Blackwater. The news follows international criticism of the behaviour of mercenaries in the country.