Environmental lawyers are urging EU leaders to resist lobbying efforts by companies that want fossil fuel gas labelled as ‘environmentally sustainable’ for investment purposes.
About two-thirds of maternal deaths, newborn deaths and stillbirths could be prevented by 2035 with universal access to care from professional midwives, says the World Health Organisation.
Progressive state intervention in support of jobs, businesses and inclusive growth is compatible with both the current state aid rules and a future trade relationship based on a level playing field, says the TUC.
The Care Quality Commission has called for a new deal for the care workforce, which develops clear career progression, secures the right skills for the sector, better recognises and values staff, invests in their training and supports appropriate professionalisation.
Trusts are struggling to complete very high-risk repairs where there is a danger of catastrophic failure of care or serious injury, says a new report from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Delivering 100,000 new high-quality social homes each year would bring significant benefits to the national economy, says the Local Government Association.
TUc analysis shows that the fastest recoveries from economic crises in UK history were based on investment for growth, not cuts to services, deregulation and tax breaks for millionaires and bosses.
Only 11 per cent of new homes built in England are for genuinely affordable social rents, compared with nearly 70 per cent in Scotland and over 80 per cent in Wales.