The 2012 Festival of Spirituality and Peace has been described as a “resounding success” by audiences, participants, sponsors - and by the Scottish Government's cabinet secretary for justice, Kenny MacAskill MSP, speaking at the official closing event, held at St John’s Episcopal Church in Edinburgh at the beginning of the week.
This Saturday, 25 August, will be the last full day of the 2012 Festival of Spirituality and Peace events (though the final day is Monday 27th), and as ever there is a full and varied programme planned.
As government becomes more technocratic and anonymous, and as recession and financial chaos makes people angry and suspicious towards the political class, the need to be seen to be “where people are” and to shape public mood through cultural activity large and small is here to stay, says Simon Barrow.
Highly regarded novelist, poet, playwright and writer for screen and stage, Jackie Kay, will be reading from her poetry at the Festival of Spirituality and Peace tomorrow (23 August), as part of the popular 'Poetry in the Persian Tent' series.
The Festival of Spirituality and Peace, the largest of Edinburgh’s ‘small festivals’, featuring 400 events, has been launched in an atmosphere of celebration.