
higher education

  • December 13, 2010

    Faced with Parliament's vote in favour of the tuition fee hike, it is vital that those of us who are campaigning against it avoid the twin temptations of giving up or resorting to violence. The Guardian today (13 December) published a letter from Ekklesia and the Student Christian Movement suggesting that active nonviolence is the best way forward.

  • December 12, 2010

    Britain's Methodist are planning a national student conference at a time of of uncertainty and controversy for the UK's students, following huge fee increases.

  • December 10, 2010

    Students involved in a sit-in at Exeter University are engaged in passionate debate about alternatives to the govenment's cuts-based higher education policies.

  • December 9, 2010

    The Student Christian Movement (SCM) has reacted angrily to Parliament's decision to substantially increase university tuition fees in England.

  • December 9, 2010

    The Green Party and Plaid Cymru have both repeated their calls for the abolition of tuition fees, after MPs voted to increase them.

  • December 9, 2010

    It wasn't like this in my day. When I was a student in the nineties, older people would criticise student apathy, contrasting it to their own experience of university in the sixties or seventies.

  • December 8, 2010

    Since leaving full-time education, I have worked with the student movement in several ways – through backing campaigns, through being employed by a students' union, through giving freelance media training to groups such as People & Planet and the Student Christian Movement.

    And I have never felt more proud to be associated with the student movement than I do this week.

  • November 17, 2010

    Since yesterday morning, the media have been preoccupied with one particular family event. So in case you haven't been able to hear anything else, here is some news from yesterday which you may have missed.

  • November 15, 2010

    The Guardian newspaper has defended its sponsorship of a careers fair that includes the multinational arms company BAE Systems.

  • November 14, 2010

    Radical Christian pacifists have declared their support for students who occupied Conservative Party offices in Millbank during a protest against fees.