An Australian bill to change the current system of medical transfers would risk the health of refugees and asylum seekers in Papua New Guinea and Nauru, Human Rights Watch says.
The UN Refugee Agency is calling on European governments to allow the immediate disembarkation of 507 people recently rescued on the Central Mediterranean who remain stranded at sea.
Personnel from the Lebanese Armed Forces have partially demolished over 350 refugees’ homes in four tented settlement in Akkar, in northern Lebanon, using sledgehammers.
The new registration cards indicate Myanmar as the country of origin, a critical element in establishing and safeguarding the right of Rohingya refugees to return to their homes, if and when they decide the time is right for them to do so.
The Italian Parliament has decided to convert into law a security decree that imposes more severe penalties on boats and people conducting search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean.
The UN Refugee Agency has welcomed El Salvador’s decision to join a regional initiative that aims to better address forced displacement in and from Central America, and to help those affected by it.
This demolition establishes a new and dangerous precedent, says the WCC, in that the houses being razed are in an area under Palestinian Authority control, and their construction had been approved by the Palestinian Authority.