

  • November 28, 2007

    Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair's recent statement that he was reluctant to speak about his religious faith while he was in office as he felt people in Britain might regard him as a "nutter" has stirred vigorous debate.

  • November 28, 2007

    Proposed public service reforms by the UK government risk discrimination against employees and service users, together with negative effects on social cohesion, says a new report today - focussing on the role of faith-based providers.

  • November 26, 2007

    Jonathan Bartley, co-director of Ekklesia is debating church schools with John Hall (ex-head of C of E Board of Education, now Dean of Westminster) and Jeremy Craddock, Dean of Emmanuel College Cambridge, in central London.

  • November 25, 2007

    Australians have voted for change, says David Wood. The new premier is a Christian, but he points to a tradition which is outward looking and generous, not insular.

  • November 21, 2007

    Domestic violence accounts for one quarter of all reported crime in London, including murders. For many survivors, faith plays a key role in coming to terms with their experience.

  • November 15, 2007

    Football, money and morals make odd bedfellows, concludes Giles Fraser after his experience of preaching to an uncertain congregation at a service marking the 150th anniversary of the world’s oldest club - Sheffield FC.

  • November 13, 2007

    Among secular groups there is puzzlement and annoyance that government continues to 'pander' to weakened churches in areas like public service provision. This is because, says Jonathan Bartley, they have not grasped the mutual interests involved. These are as much a threat to the churches as an advantage.

  • November 13, 2007

    Modern democratic politics is in danger of turning into a beauty contest and an electoral pantomime, says Simon Barrow. It needs reconnecting with people in civil society, changing institutions and the grassroots.

  • November 6, 2007

    Ahead of a US Senate vote on the 2007 farm bill, churches across America have delivered local messages calling for access to locally grown food, guarantees farmers' access to conservation programmes, and respect for the environment.

  • November 2, 2007

    The Economist has today (2 November 2007) published a special report which examines religion's place "in today's modern society" - the role it is likely to play in this century's politics and "how we should deal with it". But is it saying anything new?