

  • January 3, 2013

    Bernadette Meaden reviews the book that many radical Christians have been waiting for. It shows, she says, how spirituality can be a unifying, liberating force, and how looking at the world from a Jesus perspective can be joyful and life-enhancing.

  • August 21, 2012

    Women's' experience and feminist theology has asked deep and difficult questions about the role of women within and across all of the world's religions.

  • June 13, 2012

    “The finances are in a mess, the Meeting House is a mess, it's ridiculous. You sitting here on your own. God knows who wandering in and out. It's not safe.” Thus spoke a reasonable man to an obstinate and visionary woman.

  • April 27, 2012

    The Student Christian Movement has welcomed moves to promote dialogue and improved relationships between LGBT students and faith groups.

  • April 14, 2012

    This morning (14 April 2012) I will be appearing on BBC Radio Scotland's Saturday AM news programme at around 8.50am to discuss the origins and shape of morality with secular humanist scientist Profes

  • November 3, 2011

    Faith-based bodies should use their constituencies to uphold human rights and dignity as part of their core mission, say African rights defenders.

  • March 7, 2011

    Certainty sells in both science and religion, says former priest Mark Vernon. It can also be enormously damaging. But as Thomas Aquinas realised, the best we can do when talking about God is to understand what God is not, and be open to what God might be, beyond our comprehension. It’s also known as faith.

  • March 30, 2010

    A major funding agency says faith communities are crucial to combating the HIV pandemic, but need to meet global standards of accountability when funds are channelled through them.

  • September 25, 2009

    The Archbishop of Canterbury says a purely rationalistic and secularist approach to intellectual and academic life has sold short both the meaning of rationality and the broad human values nurtured by critical faith.

  • August 20, 2009

    Forms of religion and ideology which neatly categorize people as good or bad according to whether they were in ‘the right group’ or believe ‘the right things’ are dangerous, says Simon Barrow. They also contradict the basic trajectory of the Christian message.