
universal declaration on human rights

  • July 19, 2018

    Australia’s policy of 'offshore processing and deterrence' has led to the ongoing separation of refugee families since 2013.

  • December 28, 2017

    Amnesty International has declared 2017 a dangerous year to speak out about human rights, as the organisation decried a pattern of attacks on activists around the world, branding it a "bad year to be brave".

  • December 11, 2017

    The United Nations has launched a year-long campaign to honour the foundational human rights document, which next year marks its 70th anniversary.

  • December 11, 2014

    A US Senate report revealing widespread use of torture by the Central Intelligence Agency has stirred up heated debate. International human rights activists have called for those responsible to be held to account, though CIA director John Brennan has defended the agency’s record.

  • September 25, 2014

    The UK government is seeking parliament’s approval to join the USA in carrying out air strikes on Iraq. The aim is to weaken Isis forces, responsible for various atrocities. But the attack may strengthen them instead.

  • June 20, 2014

    Successive UK governments have made it harder for people in need to get social security, at a devastating human cost. Public services have also been cut, supposedly to save money. Might this have ended up costing taxpayers more?

  • February 5, 2014

    Nigerian bishops have abandoned Catholic social teaching by backing a new law which severely violates human rights. By supporting the misleadingly-named Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act, they have also distanced themselves from Pope Francis, who has called for a more pastoral approach to gays.

  • February 5, 2014

    UK housing minister Kris Hopkins has tried to dismiss a critical report by UN special rapporteur Raquel Rolnik as a "misleading Marxist diatribe". But it is clear that the government is failing to meet important human rights obligations, at a heavy human cost.

  • September 12, 2013

    Protecting the health of migrants is a matter of human rights, according to a report by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) along with the World Health Organisation and UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR). This raises important ethical and legal concerns, especially in countries bringing in measures which reduce migrants’ access to healthcare or damage their health. (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/18710)

  • March 25, 2013

    Do you go to church on Sundays? Do you have young children who need you to look after them on Saturdays, or adult caring responsibilities for even a few hours a week? If you lose your job in the UK, you might be punished with destitution.