The arrests indicate that the offence of subversion under the National Security Law is being used to detain individuals for exercising legitimate rights to participate in political and public life, says a spokeswoman for the OHCHR.
France’s controversial bill on global security would be incompatible with international human rights law, and should be comprehensively revised, human rights experts have said.
Three women are facing up to two years in jail after sharing posters depicting the Virgin Mary with a halo in the rainbow colours of the LGBTI pride flag.
The Indian authorities are increasingly using authoritarian tactics to punish peaceful protests, while failing to act against violent attacks by its supporters, says Human Rights Watch.
International pressure on the Thai government is urgently needed to end the crackdown on pro-democracy activists and peaceful protests, and release those arbitrarily detained, says Human Rights Watch.
Turkmenistan has a record of concealing information or remaining silent about developments that are vitally important, such as natural disasters, major accidents, social unrest, bad economic news, and epidemics.
UN experts have expressed profound concern over a statement describing Antifa and other anti-fascist activists as domestic terrorists, saying it undermines the rights to freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly in the country.