Three leading conservation scientists in Botswana have released a statement saying they “find no scientific basis for the dramatic assertions made in the recent BBC report” of the deaths of 87 elephants in Botswana, allegedly by poaching.
Botswana must step up efforts to recognise and protect the rights of minorities in relation to public services, land and resource use and the use of minority languages in education and other critical areas, says the UN Special Rapporteur on Minorities.
The Bushmen of Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game Reserve have written a moving appeal to the Dalai Lama, who is scheduled to visit Botswana this month, criticising their country’s government for its brutal policies and urging him to speak out.
On 8 May 1997, hundreds of Bushmen were ordered to abandon their homes deep in Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game Reserve. This was the first in a wave of evictions by the government, determined to open up their ancestral homes to diamond mining and tourism.
A host of celebrities are supporting the campaign of Survival International, the global movement for tribal peoples' rights, for the Bushmen in the 50th anniversary year of Botswana’s independence.
Survival International has launched a campaign calling for an end to a draconian system in Botswana which has broken Bushmen families apart and denied them access to their land. Critics such as veteran anti-apartheid activist Michael Dingake have compared the system to the apartheid-era pass laws.
A new report from Survival International reveals hundreds of cases of beatings, arrests and abuses of Kalahari Bushmen at the hands of wildlife officers and police.