

  • November 15, 2013

    Many who support the idea of an independent Scotland but would prefer not to be described as nationalists are motivated by the prospect of greater responsibility, explains Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian and a member of the Scottish Parliament’s economy committee. Here she sets out a vision of a just, sustainable future with a particular emphasis on the vital role of women, children, welfare and work. Among other things, she draws upon examples and models from the Nordic countries.

  • November 15, 2013

    Scottish Greens have launched their own visionary campaign for a Yes vote in next year's independence referendum.

  • November 15, 2013

    The Scottish Independence Referendum Bill has been passed by MSPs after its final stage debate on 14 November.

  • October 31, 2013

    A renewed 'Claim of Right' for Scotland would invoke popular sovereignty and more than nationalist is also social democratic, liberal, green, feminist and much more, says commentator Gerry Hassan. It is the Scotland of boldness, determination and self-determination, which is larger than labels and beyond being small-minded about differences. It is also a challenge to the fading 'high Scotland' which talks the people's talk while remaining paternalist, and a step beyond the limitations of the current referendum campaign.

  • October 30, 2013

    The Rev Dr Angus Morrison has become Moderator Designate of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

  • October 28, 2013

    Having a good home is central to the health of everyone in Scotland, says the chair of the independent Housing and Wellbeing Commission.

  • October 27, 2013

    Cross-party support has been secured for a Scottish Parliament debate on a popular European system designed to protect road users.

  • October 25, 2013

    Scotland is getting it wrong. This is the bold assertion of Blossom: What Scotland Needs to Flourish, a passionate polemic on Scottish culture, society and politics (including key issues like land reform) by award-winning journalist Lesley Riddoch.

  • September 22, 2013

    An estimated 30,000 people turned up to support the campaign for Scottish self-government in Edinburgh yesterday afternoon.

  • September 21, 2013

    Thousands of people in Scotland are mobilising for self-government today, as a large march and rally gathers in Edinburgh.