As part of an ongoing, multiyear project called 'Walking Together', an international and interreligious group met in Nicosia, Cyprus, from 6-8 December 2016 to explore different facets of the theme 'Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace', which undergirds the World Council of Church’s programmatic focus.
Advancement of religious literacy and religious literacy in international diplomacy is increasingly needed, an expert panel on religious freedom and international diplomacy declared this week.
Religious fidelity and free speech can learn the art of coexistence despite the acerbic challenges that have flowed from the terrible Paris shootings and the arguments about Charlie Hebdo magazine, says Ekklesia associate and Middle East analyst Dr Harry Hagopian. The much harder – and harsher – question is whether we as followers of a religion or as advocates of free speech can coexist too?
A Manifesto for Secularism was recently launched at a conference in London. While the aim, to counter the religious right, is positive, I have reservations about some aspects.
The General Secrestary of the World Council of Churches has expressed deep concern over the exodus of the Christian community from the Iraqi city of Mosul following threats from ISIS.
Supporters of far-right candidate Narendra Modi have condemned a college principal for speaking up for justice and the environment during India’s parliamentary election. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) complained to the Electoral Commission about Frazer Mascarenhas, principal of St Xavier’s College and a Jesuit priest.