The Joint Public Issues Team of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church has published a resource to encourage church members to engage with the coming European elections.
The Trade Union Congress, community groups, human rights organisations and charities have made an unprecedented joint call on political parties to eradicate hate speech during the European election campaign.
On the eve of the European elections, patriotism – or at least politicians' appropriation of that condition – is much in the air. I shall refrain from any temptation to refer to scoundrelly tendencies and consider instead, the gentler, and what I believe to be the more fruitful concept of a 'sense of place.'
European civil society NGOs have launched a campaign to demand candidates for the European elections stand up against the lobbying of banks and big business.
In a change from a standard political hustings, Euro candidates for the North West have this week been grilled at a 'question time' with a difference - a film night on social justice and corporate responsibility at a local AMC Cinema.
For the approaching Euro elections, the Jesuit European Office in Brussels has issued an Election Memorandum examining the kind of choices currently facing the European Union, in its internal life and in its relationship with the wider world.