Is there no limit to the number of exploitative and violent institutions that Stonewall is prepared to endorse? Having already made awards to the likes of Goldman Sachs and the Royal Navy, Stonewall yesterday gave prizes to Ernst & Young, Barclay’s and MI5 for their supposedly gay-friendly employment practices.
New plans to reveal more about multinationals’ finances need toughening to help poor countries fight multi-billion pound tax dodging, says Christian Aid.
Investors wanting to ensure their money supports ethical concerns should add tax behaviour to the criteria by which companies are judged, says Christian Aid.
Britain may be broke, but the government's desperation to cut the deficit seems to have its limits. This morning, Eric Pickles has ruled out an increase in council tax for houses valued at more than £1million. He is portraying measures that would affect only the richest as an attack on the "middle class". In reality, the government is consistent in pursuing the interests of the very wealthy at the expense of the rest of us.
Right-wing columnists are having a field day in the wake of the riots, demonising single parents, benefit recipients and working class people generally. To be consistent in condemning looting, we should criticise not only the rioters but the wealthy bankers and politicians who are looting our society.
Following a debate at their conference, the Methodist Church has issued a statement saying that tax avoidance "impoverishes the vulnerable and is morally unacceptable".