An opinion poll has found that 83 per cent of UK adults agree that Remembrance Sunday should involve remembering people of all nationalities who have died in war.
The decision to release hundreds of prisoners, including the opposition leader, was reached in the context of a National Dialogue which took place last week.
Despite being more acutely affected by Brexit than any other part of the UK, the report says Northern Ireland has lacked proper political representation in the process.
A UN human rights expert has welcomed reconciliation initiatives launched in central Mali by traditional and religious leaders, civil society members and the local authorities.
The 'war on drugs' is counter-productive with potentially disastrous consequences for some of the world’s poorest and most left-behind groups, a new report has warned.
Launched in 2015, the awards are in six categories, based on Catholic Social Teaching: promoting dignity of the human person, community and participation, the dignity of workers, solidarity and peace, the option for the poor, and the care of creation.