
david cameron

  • November 17, 2013

    Consider for a moment David Cameron’s life up to the age of 25.

  • November 12, 2013

    The UK government’s cuts to spending on public services are for ideological reasons, not just because of the deficit. In a speech at the lord mayor’s banquet in the Guildhall, Prime Minister David Cameron announced his intention to build “a leaner, more efficient state. We need to do more with less. Not just now, but permanently.”

  • September 11, 2013

    “The English the English the English are best, I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest”. It seems that the spirit of Flanders and Swann's 'Song of Patriotic Prejudice' took possession of David Cameron during the G20 meeting in St Petersburg last week. It is a pity he was not capable of sharing its tongue-in-cheek take on national braggadocio.

  • September 1, 2013

    The decision of the UK parliament to refuse approval for a military strike on Syria has influenced President Obama to put his own plans before Congress.

  • August 29, 2013

    David Cameron made a toned-down appeal for "action" against Syria in the House of Commons today, as many MPs expressed scepticism and then voted against his proposals.

  • August 28, 2013

    Westminster's only Green MP has warned that an attack on Syria could have severe consequences for civilians, and for the Middle East region.

  • August 28, 2013

    Despite what may or may not be discovered by the UN Inspectors in Syria in the days to come, all the signs are that Obama and Cameron are not in any mood to pause, says Caroline Lucas MP. She sets out details of her own parliamentary motion on the subject, and issues a call to the Prime Minister to publish solid legal advice.

  • August 28, 2013

    UK Prime Minister David Cameron is submitting a draft resolution to the UN Security Council seeking use of "all necessary measures" in relation to a strike on Syria.

  • August 17, 2013

    The global development NGO War on Want is calling on supporters to take action to help abolish the UK’s tax havens as soon as possible.

  • July 2, 2013

    “Two arrogant posh boys who don't know the price of milk” Nadine Dorries' opinion of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor gave every appearance of welling up from a deep reservoir of personal peeve. But last week, a Conservative MP expressed an almost identical opinion to me.