The President of the International Fund for Agricultral Development will ask global leaders attending the Paris Peace Forum to consider the crucial role that increased investment in rural areas of developing countries can play in addressing the root causes of conflicts.
With the aim of equipping member churches to prevent or resolve conflict, the Lutheran World Federation International Seminar on Prevention, Conflict Management and Peacebuilding was held from 17-21 September 2018, in São Leopoldo, Brazil.
Calling for more diplomacy, dialogue and mediation to head off conflicts before they break out, United Nations officials has urged a gathering of world leaders to help strengthen a new approach to sustaining peace, which aims to put prevention at the heart of the UN's work.
The Quaker Council for European Affairs has just released a hands-on manual making the case for peacebuilding and offering many practical tools which can be used by all sorts of organisations and individuals.
It seems that just as 'poppy facism' is beginning to lose its sway over our consciences and behaviours, Armed Forces Day may be being groomed to take its place.
Briefing the Security Council, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres yesterday emphasised the importance of unity in the 15-member body to effectively address human rights violations as well as to prevent mass atrocities.
Delivering his first formal briefing to the Security Council, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres underlined the need for new, strengthened efforts to build and sustain peace ranging from prevention, conflict resolution and peacekeeping to peacebuilding and sustainable development.
One hundred years after the British Government was the first in the world to legalise the right of conscientious objection to military service, a Bill to extend this right into the tax system is being introduced to Parliament by Ruth Cadbury MP, herself a descendent of WW1 conscientious objectors affected by the 1916 clause.
The United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council have concurrently adopted resolutions on the organisation’s peacebuilding architecture, providing renewed momentum for the focus within the UN system on ‘sustaining peace.’
The rainstorm of almost tropical ferocity which swept across West Suffolk yesterday afternoon (28 June) was dying down as we assembled for a silent Peace Vigil to mark Armed Forces Day. But the distant thundery grumbles seemed – at the risk of being mocked for the use of Pathetic Fallacy – to be a reminder of the persistence and ubiquity of strife.