

  • December 21, 2013

    Christmas, when people who rarely enter a church often pay their annual visit, could be a time to challenge perceptions of Christianity. Unfortunately, says Symon Hill, we seem to respond to their arrival by singing some of the most badly written, incomprehensible and theologically dubious songs ever produced. Perhaps it's time to shred the carol sheet.

  • June 17, 2013

    In many churches today, hymns have been largely or wholly replaced by worship songs. Some of these are of high quality and accessible to a wider range of worshippers. However, says Savitri Hensman, perhaps there should be more discussion of how this trend may influence the ways in which Christians relate to the Bible and understand themselves, God and the world.

  • October 4, 2009

    Fred Kaan, one of the great hymnwriters of the twentieth century, and a passionate Christian advocate of social justice, has died, aged 80. He passed away in the early hours of Sunday 4 October.

  • July 30, 2009

    The military government of the interim Fijian Prime Minister has agitated the normally harmonious Methodists by attempting to stop the church's conference from taking place in late August.