Following a month of protests at branches of Barclay's bank, campaigners from the World Development Movement are preparing to protest at the bank's AGM.
A campaign has been launched to defend the "Fortnum & Mason 145" - the people who were arrested last month after peaceful direct action in central London.
A report by Egyptian activist Maikel Nabil Sanad has challenged the perception that the the armed forces played a positive role in the country's revolution.
Millions of people across north Africa and the Middle East have are demonstrating the power of active nonviolence. But British politicians and pundits seem to have learnt no lessons, falling in line behind the bombing of Libya as soon as Cameron announced it. In the face of all the evidence, they are accepting the old assumption that violence works.
A central London branch of Barclay's Bank was closed early after Christians concerned about economic injustice planned to hold an act of worship there.
Barack Obama and David Cameron have said that Egypt must move rapidly towards free elections and democracy. It's a shame that this point didn't occur to them when they were selling weapons to Mubarak.
Eight-one year-old Georgina Smith has been released from prison ten days early after an anonymous benefactor paid the compensation order she had refused to pay.