I recently preached at Kensington Unitarian Church, where I was pleased to receive a warm welcome and to engage in some good discussions. Here is the text of my sermon. I explored issues of faith, power and loyalty, looking particularly at Jesus' comments when asked if Jews should pay taxes to the Roman Emperor. I suggested this passage should be read not as a surrender to power but as a challenge to it.
The Church of Scotland and Bishops of the Church in Wales are among signatories of a letter to the MoD calling for an end to the military recruitment of under-18s.
The government's proposals for same-sex marriage have revealed them to be clueless about religion, contemptuous of civil rights and bizarrely ignorant about the history, culture and politics of Wales. There is a serious possibility of these proposals failing to pass through Parliament. We must step up the campaign for civil rights, not assume they have been won.
British Unitarians have begun a six-month consultation on the issue of assisted dying. It follows calls from Sheffield Unitarians to support a change in the law.